Nagpur: An awful incident has been reported in Nagpur’s busy market area on Tuesday, March 15. A youth suddenly suffered heart attack and hence his elder brother, younger brother, sister and other relatives were taking him in a car to a hospital in Dhantoli. However, their stuck for 15 minutes in Sitabuldi’s Hanuman Galli due to haphazard encroachment of the road by bicycle shops. As a result the life-saving ‘Golden Hour’ passed and the youth could not survive as the doctors declared him brought dead. Had the youth been brought to hospital 15 minutes early, his life would have been saved, claimed the relatives quoting the doctors.
The deceased has been identified as Kartik Mudliar, a resident of Amar Hosiery, Koshtipura. When the relatives were taking Kartik to a hospital in Dhantoli, their car was unmovable by the encroachments in the middle of road in Hanuman Galli by six bicycle shops. While clearing the encroachments, the critical time was wasted and it cost Kartik his life. Following the unfortunate death of Kartik, Sitabuldi police had to face wrath of the local residents. The residents also cursed the NMC authorities for allowing encroachment of the road by cycle shops.
Following strong protest by the relatives and local residents, the situation threatened to turn ugly. The cops, who too were at the receiving end, had to intervene and calm the tempers. The relatives claimed that the encroachment of the road is not without the ‘blessings’ of NMC authorities. The Dhantoli Zone officials are equally responsible for Kartik’s death, said the angry relatives.