Portion of NMC diary showing Vilas Muttemwar and Datta Meghe number as same
Nagpur News.
It seems Nagpur Municipal Corporation never learnt from past mistakes. After committing the large number of glitches in giving information in its last year’s booklet, the civic body’s Public Relation Department has again come up with fresh booklet for 2013-14 with large number of errors. The distribution of the booklet has been started from December 27. Eyebrows are also being raised over maximum part of the booklet dedicated to serving information on private water operator OCW.
Interestingly, the booklet carried information on SRA secretary Ajay Ramteke whereas it bluntly avoided publication of information details about Nagpur district’s Guardian Minister Shivajirao Moghe. This blunder is in clear breach of protocol which states Guardian Minister’s name to be prominently published in the booklet.
The onus of publication of the booklet lied on corporation secretary incharge Harish Dubey who published the material while PRO Ashok Kolhatkar compiled the booklet. Though both of them are mere official incharge of the booklet, both have misguided people by mentioning themselves as permanent officers for the publication.
On the page 134 in the booklet, the designations of 13 assistant police commissioners have been erroneously mentioned. Similarly telephone number of Ajni police station on page 135 is wrongly mentioned, as one of the numbers is 7 whereas it is given as 6, which causes flutter among the people helplessly dialing at the given number.
The residence of Saoner MLA Sunil Kedar is mentioned as VIP road in Bajaj Nagar but he has been residing beside New Hyderabad House near GPO square for quite some years.
Now the mother of all errors. On page 148, the mobile numbers of MPs Vilas Muttemwar and Datta Meghe are mentioned as same. When Nagpur Today called up at the given number, it turned out to be of Muttemwar. This means if any person wishing to contact Meghe would find Muttemwar on the other end, thanks to the ignorance by Kolhatkar.
The booklet still shows Ramtek MP Mukul Wasnik as Union Social Justice Minister. Moreover, instead of his mobile number the number of Ramtek’s former Shiv Sena MP Prakash Jadhav is published. The landline number given alongside the Wasnik’s name was also found defunct.
When Nagpur Today contacted PRO Ashok Kolhatkar in this regard, he rubbed his shoulders off the responsibility passing the buck to corporation’s secretary incharge Harish Dubey.
When Guardian Minister intervened in this regard, Kolhatkar reportedly said that the issue belongs to NMC and that Guardian Minister has nothing to do with it, be it the invitation or information booklet.
Kolhatkar has earlier hit the controversy when questions were raised over the veracity of his appointment as PRO. He had initially served as the teacher in NMC Education department. Now he has been involved in the clerical job which is badly suffering owing to his lack of knowledge in the concerned stream.
Designations of 13 assistant police commissioners have been erroneously mentioned