Nagpur: In view of Lok Sabha elections, State Excise Department has cracked down on illegal liquor brewing and sale in Nagpur district. Between March 11 and April 8, the Department has seized material collectively worth Rs 43.78 lakh.
Since the implementation of Code of Conduct on March 11 and till April 8, total 251 offences have been registered and 194 accused have been arrested. The seized liquor and other raw materials during this period include 3987 litres of brewed liquor, 64,771 litres of raw material, 671 litres of country-made liquor, 118.6 litre foreign made liquor, 48 litre beer, 50 litre Tadi, 16 tonnes of black jiggery, 12 vehicles collectively worth Rs 43.78 lakh.
The crackdown was carried out under the directives of Divisional Deputy Commissioner Usha Verma and Superintendent Promod Sonone by a squad led by Inspector Subhash Hanvate, Balasaheb Patil, Keshav Chaudhary and Sunil Sahastrabuddhe with the help 103 Home Guards.
By Shubham Nagdeve