Nagpur: In a major action the State Excise Department on Thursday seized 25 boxes of country liquor being transported in two cars. The cars have also been seized. The collective worth of the seized goods is Rs 10.87 lakh. The action was carried out at Vanoja in Warora Tehsil.
In the action, undertaken by Inspector Sunil Gujar under the guidance of Dr B H Talvi, Superintendent of State Excise Department, two cars (MH-29/AR 2814 and MH-04/HN 3349) were intercepted. On being checked, 25 boxes containing 2500 bottles of country liquor were found stocked in the cars. Two accused named Yogesh Ramaswami Sodari and Vikram Shivkumar Bhagat, both residents of Lohara (Yavatmal) were arrested. However, the third accused Pranit Malkhede managed to escape.
Other members of the team that carried out the action include Assistant Secondary Inspector D N Awari, Chetan Awchat, and Jagdish Kapte apart from Inspector Sunil Gujar.