Published On : Sun, Oct 20th, 2013

Expert lecture in LIT on “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” delivered



The expert lecture was delivered in LIT by Dnyaneshwar Kamath Senior manager (H.R.) of Petrofac Engineers India Pvt Ltd. Mumbai. The topic of this expert lecture was “ Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. Following are the Habits

1. BE PROACTIVE -THE HABIT OF PERSONAL VISION : Proactive people take responsibility for their own lives. They determine the agendas they will follow and choose their response to what happens around them.

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2. BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND-THE HABIT OF PERSONAL LEADERSHIP : These people use personal vision, correct principles, and their deep sense of personal meaning to accomplish tasks in a positive and effective way. They live life based on self-chosen values and are guided by their personal mission statement.


3. PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST : These people exercise discipline, and they plan and execute according to priorities. They also “walk their talk”

4. THINK WIN WIN : These people have an abundance mentality and the spirit of cooperation. They achieve effective communication and high trust levels in their Emotional Bank Accounts with others, resulting in rewarding relationships and greater power to influence.

5. SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD: Through perceptive observation and empathic listening, these non-judgmental people are intent on learning the needs, interests, and concerns of others. They are then able to courageously state their own needs and wants.

6. SYNERGIZE- The Habit of Creative Cooperation : Effective people know that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. They value and benefit from differences in others, which results in creative cooperation and team-work.

7. Sharpen the Saw- The Habit of Renewal: Effective people are involved in self-renewal and self-improvement in the physical, mental, spiritual, and social-emotional areas, which enhance all areas of their life and nurture the other six habits.

This lecture was totally interactive and conducted for two hours. The speaker has given practical examples from the field. Students response was enthusiastic, they have asked several questions and the speaker has satisfied each & ever query of students.

Prof T.B. Chahande the Director LIT  presided over the function.  Prof. S.P. Ghisad, Dr. K.V. Koranne, Dr. R.P.Ugwekar coordinated the program.

Student volunteers Arjun, Vidula, Narode and team members have taken great pains to make this program a grand success.