Nagpur: At least 232 police officials belonged to backward class/ minority community are relieved of promotions after they failed to present “Caste Validity”. The notification issued by the office of Director General of Police terminated promotions of 16 Assistant Police Inspectors, 69 Police Constables and 147 Police Naik and assigned them to their old positions.
The decision came after the Maharashtra Legislative’s Anusuchit Jamati Kalyan Samiti, held a meeting with DG office back in September 28, 2018. The Samiti who brought this matter to fore sought immediate action from the DG office.
Between year 2014 and 2016, around 888 police officials were promoted sans caste validity certificate. 292 officials were issued notice regarding the same.
Facing some stern action of DG office this year, at least 232 police officials were relieved of their promotions. To avoid such situations in future the DG office has sought timely action from the police officials.