Nagpur: Sadar Police have booked one Faris Qadri for allegedly impersonating as a journalist and threatening the owner of Bullock Cart Bar & Restaurant to extort money from him here, on Friday. Notably, a video had also gone viral where Qadri was seen hassling cops and hurling abuses at them in drunk state.
In his complaint, Sohansingh Arjun Singh Wadhwa (68), a resident of Amar Sajjan Tower, Mangalwari, told police that Qadri often visited his Bullock Cart Bar & Restaurant on Mount Road, Sadar, to consume liquor. After consuming liquor, Qadri never paid the bills by threatening him and his son of dire consequences, he added.
Wadhwa also told police that Qadri demanded Rs 10,000 from him after threatening to ‘expose’ him and his son in the media.
On the basis of the complaint, cops registered an FIR against Qadri and started investigation.
Earlier also, two criminal cases were registered against Qadri by the Nagpur cops.