Nagpur News : A month after the complaint lodged, Dhantoli police has nabbed a 58-year-old Vinod Nagrale, who had duped a consultant Anant Dakshindas of Rs 11 lakh by claiming himself as a senior leader in congress political party.
Nagrale, a resident of Ambedkar Square, had made a fake promise to Dakshindas of providing a job in aviation sector to his son. He had introduced himself as a leader of Akhil Bhartiya Congress Committee. Nagrale was booked under fraud charges.
Dakshindas owned his consultant office named as Dakshindas consultant private limited on 3rd floor of Bhivapur chambers at Dhantoli. In his complaint, he had claimed that Nagrale had came to his office and claimed that he is one of the leaders of Akhil Bhartiya Congress Committee.
Nagrale had first visited at Dakshindas office on June 16, 2010. He assured Dakshindas that he can help his son to get an assured job. Claiming himself as a well known leader, he said that he knew many senior political leaders whose reference can help his son to get a job.
For two years, Nagrale demanded money either by cheques or cash worth Rs 11 lakh to provide a job.
Dhantoli police has arrested Nagrale on Wednesday from his residence. Police has appealed other victim who had been duped by Nagrale.