Nagpur: The Rana Pratap Nagar Police in Nagpur have taken action against a family of four individuals, including three women, for their involvement in operating a fraudulent firm named Captree Investments. The accused, through deceptive practices, managed to extract a substantial sum of money, totalling more than Rs 5.48 crore as investment from 30 victims by promising monthly interest rates ranging from six percent to seven percent on their investments.
The accused have been identified as Nilesh Uikey (40), Priyanka Uikey (36), both residents of Trimurti Nagar; Neha Roshan Meshram (36), a resident of Cosmos Town, and Rashmi Uikey-Gode (42), a resident of Hyderabad.
The quartet established an office at Plot No 49, Cosmos Town, Trimurti Nagar, Nagpur, where they enticed unsuspecting individuals to invest their money with the promise of lucrative returns. Operating between December 1, 2021, and May 6, 2024, they succeeded in accumulating funds exceeding Rs 5.48 crore from their victims before absconding.
Upon receiving a complaint from Vasudeo Sakharam Raut (62), residing at Plot No 85, Rai Town, Isasani, MIDC, the police took swift action. A case has been registered against the accused under Sections 420 (cheating) and 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), along with Section 3 of the Maharashtra Protection of Interest of Depositors (in Financial Establishments) Act. The investigation is currently ongoing to bring all responsible parties to justice.
The incident underscores the importance of due diligence and vigilance while making financial investments, urging individuals to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of investment opportunities to avoid falling victim to such scams.