Nagpur: In a shocking turn of events, the suspected suicide of a teenage girl has been revealed as a murder committed by her own father. The Nagpur Court led by District Judge 3 and Addl Sessions Judge, Nagpur AC Raut has sentenced Guddu Chottulal Rajak, 40, to double hanging for sexually exploiting the minor and killing the 16-year-old victim.
The incident came to light on November 6, 2022 when the ninth-grade student was found hanging in her home. Initially, her death was presumed to be a suicide. However, the discovery of five suicide notes raised suspicions. These notes included allegations of rape by her step-uncle and claims that her stepmother, uncle, and other relatives were forcing her into marriage.
Acting on these notes, Kalamna Police initially arrested three individuals on charges of abetment of suicide. However, continued investigation revealed a far more sinister plot. Key evidence emerged during the questioning of the victim’s 12-year-old sister, who disclosed the details of the crime.
Rajak, a laborer living in Kalamna village, had experienced significant personal turmoil. His first wife committed suicide in 2016, and his second wife had left him a few months before the incident. Living with his two daughters, Rajak began to doubt his elder daughter’s character and devised a plan to murder her.
Rajak instructed his daughter to write the suicide notes, misleading her into believing they would be used to file a police complaint against her stepmother’s family for harassment. On the morning of November 6, he asked his daughter to stand on a stool and pose as if she were committing suicide. Trusting her father, she complied, while he took photographs. He then suddenly pulled the stool away, leaving her hanging. This horrific act was witnessed by her younger sister.
APP Kalpana Pande represented the state.