Nagpur News: In order to prevent wildfire during summer season, state government’s agency Forest Development Corporation has decided to burn the fire lines across forest stretches under Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) from February 1-15, according to sources based in Nagpur.
TATR Management sources informed that FDC has been provided with central government’s aid of Rs 50 lakh in order to carry out fire line works.
Sources at Nagpur Forest head office informed that the fire control exercise in Tadoba is undertaken by West Chanda forest department. The available manpower with the department includes two forest circle officers, 11 forest protectors and 118 volunteers serving on daily wages. 16 watch towers are in place to monitor the fire situation. This apart, the department is also equipped with fire fighting action team, wireless systems, two mini buses and two other vehicles.
The preventive measures would include cutting and burning of fire lines spread in 1128 kms under vast stretch of 625.40 sq.kms of TATR. It is learnt that FDC would be spending from its pocket if the expenses exceed the grant received from central government. The labourers involved in fire line works have also been insured. The forest department has also provided two additional fire engines to FDC.
A live demonstration was recently organized by TATR management and FDC, in which the forest conservator Uday Awsak rendered guidance to the FDC workers. Chief Forest Conservator, TATR, Virendra Tiwari, General Manager, FDCM, Sanjay Thakre, Deputy Director, core area, Girish Vashisht and Divisional Manager, FDC, BT Bhagat were also present on the occasion.
The FDC officials are said to have determined to avoid even a single fire incident. However, only upcoming summer will tell how much substance these claims hold.