Published On : Wed, Mar 9th, 2022
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

FDP on “Outcome based Education and NBA Perspective”

In today’s competitive world students of engineering should meet the requirement ofindustries. Engineering colleges should adopt the outcome based education and develop the quality of their faculty to achieve this.Accreditation of Engineering Institutes is a symbol of excellence and has become mandatory.In that connection, to emphasize the importance of Outcome based educationGovindraoWanjari College of Engineering & Technology, Polytechnic, Nagpurhas Organised Online and Offline AICTE- ISTE approved three days Faculty Developed Programme on “Outcome based Education and NBA Perspective”from 02/03/2022 to 04/03/2022.

Prgramme was inaugurated with Lamp lighting.Chief Guest of ProgrammeDr. Manoj Daigavane Joint Director RO & Principal, G.P.Nagpur and Guest of HonorDr.AtulBoradePrincipal, Gadchiroli graced the programme with their motivational speech&appreciates the initiative taken by college. Chairperson of Programme Dr.Smeetaa A. Wanjarri SenateMember RTMNU& Treasurer Amar SevaMandalguided through Video conferencing and graced the programme. Dr.SalimChavan PrincipalGWCET& Convenor of FDP, Nagpur addressed the programme&mentioned about the significance of outcome based education & objectives of NBA.

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Gold 22 KT 80,200 /-
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During these three days eminent resource persons including Dr. Mrs. MangalDhend Coordinator CETL, AISSMS COE &Founder & Secretary, VTHO,Pune, Dr. G.K.Awari HOD AE, G.P.Nagpur Coordinator& NBA, Margadarshan Scheme, Dr.UmakantKulkarni Prof. & HOD, CSE Dept SDM College of Engg. Dharwad, Dr. VivekKuteProfessor St. Vincent Pallotti College ofEngg& Tech. Nagpur, Dr.SalimChavan Principal GWCET,Nagpurfrom different colleges delivered the lecturer on their relative session topics.

More than two hundred Participants were benefited by this FDP.They have appreciated the way of conducting the programme.

The programme was concluded on 04/03/2022. Valedictory function was graced byDr.VivekKute Professor St. Vincent Pallotticollege of engg. Nagpur,Dr.SalimChavan Principal GWCET,Nagpur.Dr.(Smt) Suhasini G. WanjariPresident, Amar Seva Mandal, Adv.Abhijit G. Wanjarri MLC, Secretary Amar Seva Mandal,NagpurDr.Smeetaa A. Wanjarri Senate Member RTMNU & Treasurer Amar SevaMandal Appreciated the programme. Prof Raj Kuhite Coordinator Polytechnic & Coordinator of FDP expressed concluding remark on the programme and Prof RoshanLikhar expressed vote of thanks.

All the Head of department and all faculty members have taken lots of efforts to make this programme successful.
