Ramtek Lok Sabha constituency recorded a total of 62.12 per cent of polling, according to the final figures released by the district administration.
There were total 19,21,074 voters in the constituency of which 9,96,492 were males, 9,24,550 females and 32 others. Of the total voters, 11,93,307 voters exercised their franchise comprising 6,39,122 males, 5,54,183 females and two others. The constituency had six assembly constituencies that of Katol, Saoner, Hingna, Umred, Kamptee and Ramtek.
The highest 67.15 per cent of votes were cast in Umred constituency with 1,90 264 voters exercising their democratic right out of total 2,83,331. The per cent of other assembly constituencies was Katol 64.29, Saoner 62.56, Hingna 58.42, Kamptee 58.60 and Ramtek 64.58.