Nagpur: At least three places in the city caught fire in different incidents on Monday, including a major fire at a decoration godown in Bhaldapura. Diamond Decoration, located near NMC school in Bhaldapura suddenly caught fire which engulfed the bamboos and other wooden material worth around Rs 1 lakh, kept in the godown. Reason behind the fire was yet to be ascertained.
Similarly, in the second incident a house caught fire in Shesh Nagar area of Hasanbagh locality. The domestic appliances worth Rs 15,000 were reportedly gutted in the flames. The fire was allegedly caused after a spark due to electric short circuit.
The third incident of fire occurred due to short circuit at a pan kiosk located in Panchvati Nagar on Umred road. Goods worth Rs 5000 were reportedly gutted in the incident, which was contained by fire fighters later.