Nagpur: Crime Branch on Thursday nabbed six accused involved in firing at notorious criminal Lucky Sheikh over pending debt. Cops have arrested accused identified as Akil Ansari (27), Gulam Ashrafi (33), Dharamveer alias Dharam Thakur Tolsingh Songhare (40), Rajesh Sadashiv Vijekar (35), all residents of Yashodhara Nagar, Sohel Khan (24) and Ritesh alias Balya Sanjay Zanjote (27) both residents of Sadar.
The incident occurred on Tuesday night, following the terrified commuters ran for cover as heavily armed assailants opened fire at rival gang member on Mankapur road. The victim Nadeem Gulam alias Lucky Gulam Nabi Sheikh (33), a resident of Plot. No. 22, Welcome Society, on Koradi road sustained bullet injuries on his right arm in the incident. He was later rushed to nearby healthcare.
Lucky had borrowed Rs 3 lakh from accused Thakur. Despite asking for several times, Lucky was only seeking more time to pay his pending debt. Furious over this Thakur decided to teach Lucky a lesson.