The blockbuster Marathi film, Sairat, is getting remade by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions and is called Dhadak. This will mark the debut of Janhvi Kapoor in Bollywood opposite Shahid Kapoor‘s brother Ishaan Khattar. This remake has been in the news for a long time now. In fact, there were even rumours that Sridevi is a bit miffed with Karan Johar for not making an announcement in regards to her daughter’s debut. But finally we have it. It’s a beautiful and very romantic picture of Janhvi and Ishaan with the glimpse of Rajasthan in the background. We are pretty sure the poster will give you deja-vu feeling because this isn’t the first time that you have seen such a poster. Even Humari Adhuri Kahaani had a similar poster.
Finally, we know the film is indeed happening, and this makes us happy because Sairat is one of the best films of last year. There was a simplicity in the story which connected with people. What also worked in favour of the film was the rawness of the lead actors. Rinku Rajguru and Akash Thosar were rank newcomers and completely away from the arclights before the film happened. Hence, it was refreshing to see them in it. Although Janhvi and Ishaan have been groomed since years for their debut, it will be a fresh and new pairing which will definitely work in its favour.