Published On : Mon, Mar 2nd, 2020

Forests – Zoos, wildlife safe nowhere! Help Sangeeta help our animals Now


If you had really looked properly, you would see most tigers in our zoos are toothless. They especially lack canine teeth. Why?

Why was Rita, the Chimpanzee, who has a Limca book record for longest living primate killed in the Delhi zoo?

You and I may get concerned but there’s not.much we will do beyond it.


Meet Sangeeta Dogra, who lives in Noida but rushed to Maharashtra to try and save Avni. Who know all animals in each and every Indian zoo and is fighting so they don’t meet a brutal death.

She has been doing it alone so long. Help her help our animals.

This is her appeal-

APPEAL: This is an appeal to wildlife activists or other pro animal enthusiasts to help me to battle body of blatant cases of chasing and Poaching of numerous Wild Animals, Elephants, Rhinos, Tigers – includingMaharashtra’s famous T1 tigress and her Cubs .Tiger which is our National Animal and the manner in which they are dealt with is simply brutal and without remorse. However behind Wild Animals brutality there is a Hidden motivation and that is, a dead wild Animal is all the more valuable then a Living Creature, and they can be slaughtered for cash by any method of Cruelty. Wild Animals are declared Man-eater, not conclusively yet in a clean way by method of Section 11(a) of Wildlife Protection Act. A lot of research has been done in recent years to fabricate a solid case. It is time to think : why do wild creatures end up in zoo, and what happens to them afterwards?

A story I learnt of was of was of the Incident in September 2019 where allegedly it was put out through a press note, that a Tiger assaulted a Zoo keeper, where as it was Tiger who was thrashed and his Canine tooth were expelled, he was left untreated and when I began checking on the Tiger, he was killed without hesitation and afterwards many reports were fabricated to prove their story. Since issue is sub-judice I do not want to uncover much since soon enough judgment will be articulated.

Another, Chimpanzee Rita, 60 Years old, Limca Book Holder for longest living primate was confined from 12 years and died a cruel death.Many such animals end up in Zoo and from that point they try to escape or lead an existence worse than hell. Only to be mercilessly slaughtered for monetary gain!

There was another Tiger who was caged in Delhi Zoo and was not removed from enclosure in past 6 years. He is now 11 Years Old. I had to approach the Honorable Delhi High Court and now Tiger has finally been released ( see video).Respondents don’t even appear in court. Attaching the latest order and will have a NBW issued on 11 March 2020 i.e next date if no one appears in court to be answerable for broken tooth of another Tiger Bittu.

Creatures of the wild are completely overlooked and ignored by the general public who don’t seem even aware of their existence! However, if wildlife wasn’t important, would government be spending crores of assets towards creature’s welfare?

They are significant and contribute on an enormous scale; without wildlife and jungles the world will come to and end and so will human beings!

People need to comprehend this. Their own its population which should be controlled, parenthood is a decision not a need! Overpopulation is harming our biological framework. Animal – human conflict over land is taking more toll on animals. They are daily losing huge tracts of their habitat.

Deemed Forest is diminish-ed forest .

Diminished forest leads to water scarcity and host of other problems.

I have devoted my life and spent all my life savings to fight the cause of the mute wild animals. I have traveled the length and breadth of the country scrutinizing zoo’s and pointed out how hostile the environs are for animals ‘ imprisoned’ there.

I need your co operation and more resources to fight my battles. If it’s not too much trouble #donate and #assist . It is impossible for me to move this case alone this time…..

Your donation would make my fight bigger and will be beneficial for my cause, OUR cause!

I have walked as much as i could alone,support is needed in larger public interest.

Contribute on the connection underneath in the event that you feel I may offer equity to wild and network creature…