Nagpur: Former Deputy Mayor and Congress leader Ravindra alias Chhotu Bhoyar was arrested by the Economic Offenses Wing (EOW) in connection with a ₹3 crore scam in Poonam Urban Society. The arrest, which comes six years after the case was registered, has created a stir in political circles.
Allegations of Political Pressure on Nagpur Police
Following Bhoyar’s arrest, reports suggest that Nagpur Police are facing significant political pressure. Notably, Assistant Police Inspector (API) Rizwan Shaikh, who initially led the arrest, has reportedly been removed from the investigation. This development has raised concerns about undue political interference, potentially demoralizing honest and diligent officers.
A Six-Year Delay in Action
Chhotu Bhoyar’s arrest has come under scrutiny due to the prolonged six-year delay despite allegations of multiple financial irregularities during his tenure as Deputy Mayor. Apart from the Poonam Urban Society scam, Bhoyar has also been implicated in various other alleged scams involving Nagpur Municipal Corporation.
Key Developments in the Poonam Urban Society Scam
During Bhoyar’s tenure as president of Poonam Urban Society, it was revealed that fake documents were created under 26 names, leading to the sanctioning of fraudulent loans worth ₹33 lakh. This shocking revelation emerged during an EOW investigation.
Bhoyar’s PCR to End Today
Chhotu Bhoyar was arrested on January 22 upon his return from Mumbai. After being presented in court, he was remanded to police custody until January 25. As his police custody ends today, all eyes are on the court’s next move. The police are also reportedly searching for 8-10 additional suspects in connection with the scam.
Controversies from Bhoyar’s Time as a NIT Trustee
During his tenure as a trustee of Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT), Bhoyar was embroiled in another controversy involving the construction of a large commercial complex under the guise of a hawkers’ market at Jagnade Chowk. According to sources, a plan was initially proposed to provide shops for hawkers on the two-acre plot, but instead, a massive commercial building, including facilities for hotels and hospitals, was constructed under the name “Transport Plaza,” sidelining the original intent to benefit hawkers.
The recent arrest has reignited questions about accountability, transparency, and the role of political influence in investigations. With Bhoyar’s court hearing scheduled for later today, the case continues to be a focal point in Nagpur’s political and legal landscape.