Nagpur: Kalamna police have booked four members of a family for cheating a 38-year old man to the tune of Rs 4.20 lakh and abetting his suicide. The police action follows recovery of a suicide note left behind by the deceased. The accused lured the deceased with high returns on his investment in their firm but no money was paid to him. Since then the four accused members of the family have gone absconding and are being searched by cops.
A resident of Om Nagar, Kalamna, Rupesh Devrao Kalambe (38), had ended his life by hanging at his house on June 8, 2021. Cops had registered a case and started an investigation. During the probe, police came to know that the accused Raju Gautam, his son Mukesh alias Golu Gautam, daughter Pooja Kadiyala and her husband Sunil Kadiyala, lured Rupesh with high returns on his investment in their firm. Rupesh fell prey to the lure and started arranging money for investment. An e-rickshaw driver, Rupesh reportedly sold his Kharbi-based plot and invested Rs 4.20 lakh in the firm of the accused like many other people. However, the accused did not pay any money to Rupesh and went absconding. The accused, according to reports, had also duped other 30-40 people to the tune of Rs 40 lakh.
During investigation, cops recovered a suicide note left behind by Rupesh in which he blamed the four accused for his death.
Kalamna police constable, based on a complaint lodged by Laxmi Rupesh Kalambe (30), wife of the deceased, booked the four absconding accused Raju Gautam, his son Mukesh alias Golu Gautam, daughter Pooja Kadiyala and her husband Sunil Kadiyala under Sections 306, 420, 34 of the IPC and launched a search for them.