Nagpur: Bajaj Nagar Police have booked four members of a family from Ahmednagar, claiming to be the directors of several companies, for allegedly cheating a Nagpur couple to the tune of Rs 2.25 crore by promising double benefit on investment.
Identified as Niranjan Raosaheb Nirmal, his wife Preetam Nirmal, father Raosaheb Nirmal and mother Usha Nirmal, the accused are the residents of Bungalow No 03, Siddheshwar Colony, Ahmednagar.
Varsha Vilas Aaglawe, a resident of Flat No 502, Krishna Apartment, Laxmi Nagar, lodged a complaint that Niranjan Nirmal had told her and her husband Vilas Aaglawe in June last year that he and his family members were directors in different companies and lured them to invest money by promising them extraordinary benefits. After gaining their confidence, the accused took Rs 2.45 crore from them.
Meanwhile, Vilas Aaglawe passed away. When she asked for the benefits, the accused returned her only Rs 20 lakh and duped her of Rs 2.25 crore.
On the basis of Varsha Aaglawe’s complaint, police registered a case under Sections 406, 409, 420 and 34 of the Indian Penal Code against the accused quartet and started the probe.