Nagpur: Nandanvan police have booked four Akola-based tour and travel operators on the charges of cheating a family to the tune of Rs 4 lakh on the pretext of Haj pilgrimage.
The accused Tanvir Ahmed (53), Soheb Inamdar (51), Naeem (45) and Imran (42), all residents of Yakub Patel Square, Akot, District Akola, operate Tour and Travel Company. The complainant, Afsar Khan Ismail Khan Pathan (52), resident of Plot No. 3, Adarsh Nagar, Nandanvan, had paid Rs 4 lakh to the accused for Haj pilgrimage at Mecca Madina for seven members of his family.
Afsar Khan had paid the money in January-February 2021. The seven members of Afsar Khan’s family had submitted Xerox copies of passports and Aadhaar cards. However, the four accused failed to take Afsar Khan’s family to Haj pilgrimage and thus cheated him of Rs 4 lakh.
Nandanvan Woman ASI Jaybhaye has booked the four accused under Sections 420, 406, 34 of the IPC and probing the matter further.