Nagpur: In what can be called as an unusual scenario for Nagpurians, a fox was spotted at Manish Nagar locality on Thursday night.
The video of the wild animal immediately went viral on various social media platforms, leaving the residents of the area stunned. Netizens claimed that the creatures are returning homes which were taken over by the humans for their own benefit.
However, when asked to a wildlife expert regarding the incident, he claimed that it is still not sure whether it is a fox or a Jackal. Experts also claimed that it is nothing unusual to spot the wild animals in and around the city area. “We have rescued quite a few of them and are found near the human settlements. There is nothing new in this,” the experts said.
Usually because there is something it wants or needs, food, water, shade, etc, in some cases foxes or any animal for that matter are just curious and roam in human colonies.
FOX 🦊 At Manish nagar #Nagpur @TOI_Nagpur @vijaypTOI @mankabTOI @ProshuncTOI @deshkar_ankita @anjayaaTOI @vrNagpur @nagpurtoday1 @SunilWarrier1 @RanjitVDeshmukh @AmitSampatTOI @TOIsarfaraz @vaibhavgTOI @nitin_gadkari @drishtisharma02 @SGattewar_NGP @ngpnmc @radhakrishnan11
— Kunal Mourya I #Saveajnivann (@kunalmourya01) September 22, 2022