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Nagpur: All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has issued a Model Cirriculum for Engineering students. From this year the engineering students will have to concentrate on practical and field visits besides books and gain experience. According to model cirriculum the students will have to understand the requirement of the society and will have to gain practical knowledge. Similarly the focus will also be on value education. AICTE has prepared Model Cirriculum for Management students also.
More stress on practical
The model curriculum will be applicable from this year. All the engineering Colleges have agreed for this. Now for BTech students the credit points have been reduced to 160 from 220. AICTE Chairman Anil D Sahastrabuddhe said that the students will get a chance to gain practical knowledge as well as experience. The postgraduate course is of two out of this one year will be theory while other practical. In this students will gain experience in industry and society.
Internship must
In Model Cirriculum internship is compulsory for all students. In the Summer vacations after the second semester there will be practical training of 4 to 6 weeks. After the fourth semester in the summer vacation there will be an internship of 4 to 6 weeks which will be in government industry or non- government institutions. After the sixth semester in summer vacation there will be internship of 4 to 6 weeks which will include project work also. In the 8th semester there will be project work. Internship will be of maximum 14 credits this may be of full time or partime, one credit will be 40-45 hours works.
Community Service
Project work, training with higher instutition, government, non government, start-up or internship with MSME, Extra curriculum activity, voluntary community service, conference, workshop and participation in competition, participation in institutes innovation sale and research products is compulsory.