Nagpur: Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday dedicated the Ajni fly-over and Manish Nagar RoB-cum-RuB to the public.
Gadkari cut the ribbon to mark formal dedication of the three projects to the public in a truncated programme. The State Election Commission allowed Maha Metro to go ahead with the inauguration programme amid code of conduct for Graduates Constituency elections, but it capped attendance to 50 persons.
Similarly, the State Election Commission has directed that there should not be any fanfare and publicity.
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The fly-over is built to decongest the route to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport, Sonegaon, and takes off from Ajni square and ends at Sonegaon Police Station on Wardha Road. At the same time, two important links to new city suburbs, Manish Nagar RuB as well as RoB also would provide seamless connectivity to Wardha Road.