Nagpur/Kolkata: The Union Minister Nitin Gadkari fell seriously ill on stage in Siliguri in North Bengal on Thursday. He felt sick after coming down from the stage. A doctor had been brought for him through the green corridor. On Thursday, Nitin came to Siliguri to lay the foundation stone of a long road from Shiv Mandir in Siliguri to Sevak’s Cantonment. The event was held at Dagapur ground near Darjeeling Junction. The Union Minister was feeling ill on stage. So the event was quickly stopped. He went to rest in the green room. But sitting in the green room he felt even sicker, media reports said.
According to reports, the Union Minister’s blood sugar level has decreased. As per the advice of the doctor, saline has been started. The minister received first aid in the green room. After that, a doctor from Siliguri was taken to see him through the green corridor. He started Nitin’s treatment. Later, BJP MP from Darjeeling Raju Bista left for his home in a car with Nitin. Arrangements will be made for the Union Minister’s treatment at his home in Matigara. Doctors are also with them.
After the ceremony in Siliguri, he was supposed to go to Dalkhola. According to reports, the event may be cancelled. He can return to Delhi from Siliguri.
“Sudden drop in his blood sugar parameter led to the Union Minister’s illness. Doctors treated him,’’ said a BJP leader.
Gadkari’s Siliguri visit is said to be a part of the BJP’s plan to project that the party is keen on executing major infrastructure projects in North Bengal, where the saffron camp made deep inroads in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. He was scheduled to attend a number of events on Thursday.