Nagpur News. BJP undertakes rallies for the prestigious Nagpur Lok Sabha constituency ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, for poll debutant Nitin Gadkari. Gadkari is seen canvassing in all earnest braving the heat and reaching out to all genres of citizens in the city. Just as he braves the sun’s wrath, the citizens too await him, welcome him and shower their love and affection with rose petals and garlands.
Nagpur Today follows Nitin Gadkari’s on his 8th day of poll campaign rally:
09:30 am: At Chatrapati Square:
09:40 am: At Sneha Nagar:
10:00 am: At Pandey Layout, Khamla Road (Outer)
10:15 am: At Pandey Layout (Inner Lanes)
10:30 am: At Shiv Nagar, Khamla
10:40 am: At Pratap Nagar Square
10:50 am: At Telecom Colony
11:00 am: At Deendayal Nagar
11:10 am: At Swalambi Nagar