Gaikwad-Patil Group of institutions celebrated 71st Republic Day. The program was graced by Hon’ble Chief guest Brigedier Madhav Khanzode and Lt. Col. Nikhil Khanzode in presence of Dr. Mohan Gaikwad-Patil Chairman, GPG; Shri. Anil Hood, Executive Director,GPGI; Prof. Sandeep Gaikwad,Treasurer, GPGI; Dr. Shailendra Singh Rathore Principal, TGPCET; Dr. Prashant Kadu Principal, Abha Gaikwad-Patil college of Engineering; Dr. Ankush Mankar Principal, VMIT; Prof. Vandana Khante Principal, TGPCA and all Heads of the Departments, Teaching and Non teaching staff, Students and Parents.
The flag hoisting ceremony was followed by the inaugural of Annual college magzine ‘Skylight’ of Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil college of Architecture and cultural presentation by the students of all colleges and tree plantation.
GPGI group of education management extended all possible support to make the event successful. The program was successfully coordinated by Prof. Nitesh Jibhkate, Prof.Renuka Potdar and Prof.Tanisha Dutta.