Ganeshpeth police nabbed 6 thieves of the Ashraf Gang while they were planning to strike at Kanji House. The accused have been identified as Sheikh Ashraf Sheikh Afjal (21) and Monu Kailas Agrawal (29), both residents of HUDCO Colony; Irshad sheikh Ismail (22) of Guard Lines; Sheikh Haidar Sheikh Madar (22) of Dhobi Nagar; Abdul Yusuf Khan alias Rashid Khan (19) of Guard Lines; Sheikh Saddam Sheikh Abdul Masjid (22) of Guard Lines. According to Ganeshpeth Police their patrolling party noticed a Tata Indica parked on Kanji House road. Suspicious about the presence, police started checking the car, only to see 6 persons armed with a sword, sharp edged weapons, a rope and chilli powder. The 6 were arrested and offece was registered against them under IPC Section 399. Further investigations are on.