Nagpur: Cracking down heavily, Nagpur police on Tuesday have booked the gangster Sumit Rajkumar Thakur and six other members of his gang under stringent Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act 1999 (MCOCA).
Sumit Thakur and other gang members are already arrested by Crime Branch on different days.
The other members who are booked under MCOCA are Amit Rajkumar Thakur, Rajkumar Laxmankumar Thakur, brother and father of Sumit,Vinaykumar Rajendrakumar Pandey, Yogesh Vinodkumar Singh, Nilesh Ashok Uike, and Manoj Prakash Shinde.
An array of offences under Sections 143, 147, 149, 427, 323, 504, 279, 506(B), read with Sub-Sections 3(1), 10 of Atrocities Act have been registered at Gittikhadan Police Station against all the seven accused.