Nagpur: Aye Halo!! With Navratri celebrations around the corner, the Second Capital of the State is all set to invite Nagpurians for numerous Garba events. To attract maximum Garba enthusiasts to their venues, some organizers are reportedly promising them “late-night permission” that they have secured from the police. However, Commissioner of Police (CP) Amitesh Kumar informed Nagpur Today about the specific timings.
Speaking to Nagpur Today, CP Kumar said, “For the first seven days of Navratri celebrations, Garba events across Nagpur city have been permitted to function till 10 pm. However, the limits for Ashtami and Navami have been extended till 12 am for the convenience of the people,” he said.
“Promising illicit timings and breaking the time cap advised by the Nagpur Police will attract necessary action,” the Top Cop assured.
Though, according to sources, timings can be rearranged following orders from the District Collector Dr. Vipin.