Nagpur: Former BJP MP Nana Patole joined the Congress accepting a bouquet from Congress President Rahul Gandhi. Finally Nana Patole is back in Congress. Now it is BJP’s turn to criticise him. BJP spokesperson and Maharashtra Legislative Council Member Girish Vyas has called Nana Patole, a non -performer. He further said that Patole’s work has been zero in the party as public representative. Going to other party is his personal choice but he cannot forget the power he had got as a member of parliament and of which he could have used for the benefit of Paddy traders of his region. He only thought of his personal gain. For the first time the Chief Minister had gone to Gondia but he did not take any initiative. Girish Vyas said that he took the Chief Minister to the exhibition which was organised so that the country could know about the paddy trade. Patole wants to contest the election against the chief Minister but first he should contest election against any BJP worker.
Congress appears to be very happy with the return of Nana Patole as it had lost public support in Vidarbha. Nana Patole return has created new enthusiasm in Congress. Presently, Nana Patole is in Delhi and a grand welcome awaits him in Vidarbha. According to Congress spokesperson Atul Lande Nana Patole is a leader who has been talking of farmers and poor people’s rights. As he has been representing them this shows that this will increase their confidence in Congress. Nana’s return will help to increase the strength of Congress among people.