Nagpur: Frustration and anxiety grew large among the people as the innocent girl Sanika Thugaonkar who after battling for life for the last 3 months eventually breathed her last on Thursday. She succumbed to her injuries during treatment in a private hospital on Thursday. She was brutally attacked by a jilted male friend Rohit Hemnani on July 1 at her uncle’s office in Laxmi Nagar. Sanika had snapped ties with him six months ago due to Rohit’s arrogant behaviour.
Rohit (21), a resident of Khamla, and Sanika were friends since last two years. Sanika (18) had become friends with him while attending tuitions. She was living at her uncle Avinash Patne’s house since childhood.Around 8 pm on July 1, Rohit tried to meet his former friend at Patne’s house near Aath Raasta Square. Sanika’s aunt told Rohit to first meet Patne in his office which is located on the ground floor.
After Rohit told Patne to allow him to meet Sanika for five minutes, he reluctantly allowed them to talk . When Sanika turned around, Rohit in a fit of rage, whipped outa dagger and stabbed Sanika repeatedly. Patne had also sustained injuries on his palm. Rohit then sped away from Patne’s house on a motorcycle.
After a few days of the incident, Bajaj Nagar Police had arrested Rohit on charges under Sections Sections 307, 324 of Indian Penal Code (IPC), read with Sub-sections 4, 25 of Arms Act and 135 Mumbai Police Act. On Thursday, police slapped murder charge under Section 302 (murder) of the IPC on Rohit.