Published On : Mon, Jul 1st, 2024

Girl’s murder in Anandwan: Accused commits suicide in police custody

Two cops of Warora Police Station suspended for negligence

Nagpur: The accused in Anandwan rape and murder case allegedly committed suicide with the help of shoelace in Warora Police Station on Sunday morning.

The accused Samadhan Koli had allegedly stabbed and sexually exploited his lover Arti Chandravanshi in Anandwan premises last Wednesday. Two cops attached with Warora Police Station were suspended for sheer negligence during duty hours, informed SP Sudarshan Mummaka.


Sensation prevailed in Anandwan here in Warora town when a young girl was brutally murdered in broad daylight on Wednesday last. The deceased Arti Chandravanshi (24) was living with her parents in Anandwan for the last many years. On Wednesday morning (June 26), when Arti’s parents had gone to Sewagram for treatment, she was alone at home. Arti’s father Digamber repeatedly called her on cell phone, however, her mobile was switched off. When the duo returned home around 8 pm, they were stunned to see that Arti was lying in a blood pool in the bathroom.

On being informed, the cops of Warora reached the spot for investigation on Wednesday evening. There were a number of scars of some sharp weapon on Arti’s neck. The cops accelerated investigation and nabbed Samadhan Koli, from Anandwan itself on Thursday.

According to police investigation, Samadhan Koli, a leprosy patient, had come to Anandwan for treatment a year ago. Meanwhile he was introduced to Digamber and his daughter Arti. They fell in love with each other. After that, Arti came in contact with a youth from Gondia district and the tussle between Arti and Samadhan erupted. Both exchanged heated arguments frequently. Subsequently Samadhan plotted to eliminate Arti, informed a senior police officer of the SP office.

The accused Koli purchased knives online and taking advantage that Arti was alone at home, he stabbed her with the knife. The cops nabbed Koli and produced him before the court where he was remanded PCR till July 4, said SP Mummaka.

“During the course of questioning, the accused (Koli) confessed to the crime after sexually exploiting her. He was under mental stress during the course of questioning and it was informed to the cops to stay alert. However, the accused Koli went to the washroom and hanged himself with shoelace at the door point. We have already initiated the departmental inquiry into this connection,” said Mummaka.

After verifying CCTV footage, it was detected that he tied the shoelace to the bathroom hinge and hanged himself. The accused was desperate on Saturday night. On Sunday morning he got a chance when the police guard was absent. Two police personnel have been suspended for sheer negligence and actions will be taken against some more persons if they are found negligent during investigation. The case has been handed over to CID in this regard. The post mortem examination will be done at Chandrapur in camera under the vigilance of the magistrate, added SP Mummaka.