Nagpur: The sleuths of Gittikhadan Police on Tuesday arrested a 29-year-old man for illegal possession of a country-made pistol and two cartridges. The accused identified as Aabid Azizullah Sheikh, a resident of Patel Nagar, near Lokhpriya School was nabbed from Boregaon on Tuesday afternoon.
According to police, the team of Gittikhadan Police comprising Police Inspector Gajanan Kalyankar, APIs Datta Pendkar, D C Patle, Constables Yuraj Dhole, Imran Sheikh, Ishank Aate, Santosh Shendre , Aashish Bawankar was on patrolling duty when cops received secret information about the man with illegal possession of a country-made pistol.
Acting swiftly on the information, cops surrounded the man who identified himself as Aabid Azizullah Sheikh (29), a resident of Patel Nagar, near Lokhpriya School and seized country-made pistol worth ₹ 25,000 and two cartridges worth ₹ 1000 from his possession.
Cops have booked Sheikh under Sections 3+25 of the Indian Arms Act read with Section 135 of MPA and placed him behind the bars.
The action was conducted under the supervision of Commissioner of Police, Amitesh Kumar, Additional Commissioner of Police, (North) Navinchandra Reddy, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Zone 2, Vinita S.