Nagpur: In a shocking incident that unfolded on Sunday night, infamous criminal Sumit Thakur, with the help of his henchmen, created an atmosphere of terror in Thaware Colony in Jaripatka by abducting three youths at gunpoint.
The victims of this horrifying incident, which occurred in the Republic Nagar, New Indora neighbourhood, are 33-year-old Kamal Anil Naik and his friends, Mujaffar Sheikh (29) and Atul Atram (25). Kamal and Sumit share a close friendship, and the unfortunate event took place during a birthday celebration for Samrat Gaudane’s daughter on Sunday night. On the complaint of Kamal Naik, resident of Republican Nagar, New Indora, a case has been registered against Sumit Thakur and his five associates.
According to information, around 12:10 am, the three friends were conversing outside the pandal set up for the birthday celebration. It was during this time that the notorious criminal Sumit arrived with his girlfriend, and carelessly drove his car towards Kamal and his friends. He parked his car some distance away, and when approached by Kamal and his friends for an altercation, Sumit pulled out a firearm, causing a sudden panic. Kamal managed to seize Sumit by the collar, but in the scuffle, the weapon discharged, intensifying the tension. After delivering a stern warning and threatening to “teach them a lesson,” Sumit departed from the scene.
The three friends, after resuming their festivities, were further confronted by Sumit around 12:50 am. He appeared in a red car, accompanied by three other men. The assailants brandished a pistol and, using threats, forced Kamal and his friends to sit into the car. They then proceeded to a secluded area near Hazari Pahadi, where two of Sumit’s accomplices were already waiting.
The victims were subjected to physical assault, and their mobile phones were confiscated, along with money. Upon their plea for leniency and forgiveness, Kamal and his friends were allowed to leave in the car near the Rural Police Headquarters. Sumit, having discarded their phones on the way, departed on foot. The traumatized victims subsequently reported the incident to the Jaripatka Police Station.
Sumit Thakur is not an unfamiliar name to law enforcement in Nagpur. He has a long list of criminal charges against him, including murder, attempted murder, extortion, and involvement in various criminal activities. There are ongoing legal proceedings against him, and he has previously been taken into custody. His brazen actions and the potential repercussions of this incident on his bail status are causes for significant concern.
Sumit Thakur has been a source of terror in West Nagpur for some time, and his recent criminal exploits, which include organized crime and abduction, further underscore the urgency for his apprehension.
The police have filed a case against Sumit Thakur and his associates for their involvement in this incident, but their history of violence and criminal activities raises questions about the effectiveness of the legal system and the need for stringent measures to curtail their menace to society.