Nagpur: Two notorious criminals demanded Rs 50,000 ransom from a man at gun-point in the busy Shankar Nagar Square area, Ambazari police said. The incident occurred late on the night of Sunday.
Harmeet Singh Gurvinder Singh Jaggi (28), a resident of Plot No 49, Baba Buddhaji Nagar, Teka Naka, was the target of the malicious plot. According to police, Jaggi was at a roadside snacks stall in Shankar Nagar when he was suddenly confronted by four persons. The attackers were identified as Ashutosh Pramod Awasthi (35), a resident of Plot No 103, Tajashree Palace, Jagnade Square, and Vicky alias Gaurav Hariprasad Pandey (28), a resident of Plot No 54, Bapuji Nagar, Godhni Road, along with two more associates.
It was revealed that they had a previous dispute with the victim, which seemingly led to the criminals demanding money from him. The assailants demanded Rs 50,000 from Harmeet Singh, threatening him with severe consequences if he refused to comply. However, Jaggi managed to generate Rs 2,000 from his belongings and handed it to one of the accused, Ashutosh, to save his life.
Immediately after the incident, Jaggi lodged a complaint at Ambazari Police Station. An offence under Sections 384, 386, 294, 323, 506(b), 34 IPC was registered by the police against the accused.