Nagpur News: A house-breaking theft was registered in Nandanvan Police Station area on Thursday. Mohd Zuben Hafeez Jiyaz Ahmed (33), a resident of Plot No. 30, Adarsh Nagar, near Masjid, had gone to Kamptee with his family to attend a function. Meanwhile, unidentified goons gained entry in the house by using a duplicate key of the main door. The goons looted Rs 11,000 and gold and silver ornaments collectively worth Rs 2 lakh from the steel almirah.
Mohd Zuben did not discover the theft until he opened the steel alimrah. He rushed to Nandanvan Police Station and lodged a complaint against unidentified youths. Cops registered an offence under Sections 457, 454 and 380 of the IPC, informed PI Sunil Jaiswal. PSI Godase is investigating the case.