The Maharashtra Contingent of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) has bagged the prestigious Prime Minister’s Banner for the fourth consecutive year at the Republic Day Camp held in New Delhi recently. Maharashtra NCC has thus bagged the Champion Directorate Trophy for the 16th time during the last 22 years.
The Governor of Maharashtra K. Sankaranarayanan will be host a special Reception in honour of the victorious Cadets of the Maharashtra NCC at Raj Bhavan, Mumbai at 10.30 AM on Saturday, 2 February 2012.
The Maharashtra NCC Contingent has won several other individual and team medals and trophies at the Republic Day camp.
Members of the Media and Photographers are invited to attend the reception, the medals display and the cultural programme to be presented by the Cadets at Raj Bhavan, Mumbai.
Governor K. Sankaranarayanan will also preside over the Centenary Celebrations of the ‘Mackichan Hall’, the Boy’s Hostel of the Wilson College at its premises, Opp. Girgaum Chowpatty, Mumbai – 400 007.
The Mackichan Hall, one of the oldest College Hostels in Mumbai is named after the Principal of Wilson College Dr Dugald Mackichan who also served as the Vice Chancellor of the University of Mumbai for four terms. The Hostel was opened for residence of students in June 1913.