Under the leadership of Adv. Abhijit G. Wanjarri, Secretary, Amar SewaMandal, Nagpur organized “Annual Social Gathering, UTSAV-2020”atDr. VasantraoDeshpande Auditorium, Civil Line., Nagpur. The inauguration of this function was done by the Chief Guest Dr. VinayakDeshpande, Pro Vice-Chancellor, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur and the Guest of Honor was Dr. Ram Nibudey, Jt. Director, Technical Education, Regional Office, Nagpur.
In this event Dr. Smt. SmitajiWanjarri, Treasurer, Amar SewaMandal, Nagpur Dr. HemantSonare, Director, Wanjari Group of institutions, Dr. SalimChavan, Principal, GWCET, Nagpur, Prof. M. S. Motghare, Principal, Polytechnic, GWCET, Nagpur and Prof. NiteshChahande, Gathering Incharge, GWCET, Nagpur were present. In this event the students have been participated in various cultural programms like Fashion Show, Dance Competition, Singing Competition, Drama Competition.
In this UTSAV-2020 the various sports like Cricket, Badminton, Chess, Carrom, Vollyball and Intercollegiate Robo-Race competitions have been organized for three days at our college campus,GovindraoWanjari College of Engg&Tehnology, Nagpur. The Chief Guest for the valedictory function was Dr. Smt. SmitajiWanjarri, Treasurer, Amar SewaMandal, Nagpur.
The Medals, Trophy and Certificates of the various competitions provided to the students bythe hands of Dr. Smt. SmitajiWanjarri, Dr. HemantSonare, Director, Wanjari Group of Institutions, Dr. SalimChavan, Principal, GWCET, Nagpur, Prof. M. S. Motghare, Principal, Polytechnic,GWCET, Nagpur and Prof. NiteshChahande, Gathering Incharge, GWCET, Nagpur.
The Secretary, Amar SewaMandal’s, Adv. AbhijitjiWanjarri, Director and Principal appreciated the “UTSAV-2020” organizers and team for their efforts.