A Seminar on “Placement as a Challenge!” was organized by Training and Placement Cell of Govindrao Wanjari College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur on 7 th August, 2019 at college auditorium for their Engineering and Polytechnic students. The Expert seminar was given by eminent expert speaker Prof. Anil D. Tijare, Dean – Training & Placement, NIT Group of Institutes, Nagpur. Prof. Anil Tijare in his expert talk created awareness among students
regarding available career options and helped them in identifying their career objectives.
He explained the importance of developing skills, cracking aptitude exams, communication skill abilities, need of technical practical knowledge of students and also elaborated on company expectations from students and job-search strategies required to achieve their career objectives Ms Anushree Bhoyar T&P Student Coordinator compered the seminar while student Ms.Mayuri Raut concluded the vote of thanks. In all 175 students attended the seminar.
The seminar was coordinated by Sr. Training and Placement Officer, Ms.Sheeja S.Suresh, under the guidance and motivation of Hon’ble Director Dr. Hemant Sonare and Principal Dr. Salim Chavan. Entire Training and Placement team comprising of Dept. T&P faculty coordinators and student coordinators worked hard for the success of the seminar.