Nagpur News : Jaripatka police has booked a private school teacher and her husband in a fraud case for allegedly duping 22-year-old woman of Rs 3 lakh by promising her to provide a teacher’s job.
Shyamli Kochewar, 32, a resident of Bezonbagh worked as a teacher in YACA School in Jaripatka police station area while her husband Vinod, a private firm employee, also helped her in fooling the complainant, Sonali Sakhare, a resident of Gautam Nagar.
On Sakhare’s complaint, Jaripatka police has booked the couple for fraud and threatening Sakhare. She claimed police that she knew Shyamli through a family friend.
Sakhare told police that though holding a graduation degree, she was not unemployed. She shared her problems with Kochewar who in turn promised her to provide her job for the post of teacher in her school.
Kochewar had first demanded the cash Rs 50,000 in December 2011 to get a job for her. Since then, she has been demanding cash for other purposes and by September this year, Sakhare had paid Rs 3 lakh to Kocehwar.
However, when Sakhare started demanding Kochewar to return the cash, the couple started threatening her of dire consequences.
A helpless Sakhare later reported the matter to police. Cops said that they found Kochewar’s house locked and the couple has also switched off their cell phones.