Nagpur: In a grand gesture to thousands of followers of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar who converged at Deekshabhoomi on the occasion of Dhammachakra Pravartan Din celebration on Thursday, the Samata Jaycees, Blue Guard Association and Sanjeevani Sakhi Manch jointly set up a stall and distributed two pouches of water, medicines and food items all free of cost.
The stall was inaugurated by North Nagpur MLA Dr Milind Mane who said that the followers who come to the holy Deekshabhoomi hail from poor families and serving them is one of the blissful services. The humanitarian service provided by the three organizations is appreciable and should be followed by other organizations.
In the two-days, the organizations also held free eye check up camp, dental check up camp and extended other notable services. Thousands of devotees availed the services rendered by Samata Jaycees, Blue Guard Association and Sanjeevani Sakhi Manch.
The Free Water Distribution Centre was inaugurated by former MLA Nitin Raut while the Free Eye Check up Centre was opened by ZP Education Officer (Middle School) Omprakash Gude. The Free Dental Check up Centre was thrown open by Director of Dr Babasaheb Cooperative Bank Janrao Gajbhiye.
Other prominent personalities present on the occasion include NMC Public Relations Officer and Samata Jaycees Secretary Ashok Kolhatkar, Sankalp’s Raja Karvade, Corporator Murli Meshram, NMC’s Medical Officer Dipankar Bhivgade, Dr Shyam Shende, Dental Specialist Dr Sonali Bhaishare, Eye Specialist Dr P B Ghorvade, Dr Sunil Pudke and others in large number.