An ultra-luxury residential project ‘Signia Skys’ launched in a glitzy event in Nagpur. The project being developed by Piramal Sunteck Realty Ltd, the event was witnessed by celebrated entrepreneur & Interior Designer Suzzanne Roshan and Actor Kabir Bedi. Suzzanne’s interior brand The Charcoal Project is the official interior design partner of the high-end venture.
The inaugural ribbons were cut by Sussanne Roshan together with Mr. Kamal Khetan, CMD, Sunteck Realty Ltd, who also unveiled the Signia Skys logo and the Interior Design Concepts.
The event comprised who’s who of the Orange City, all dressed and carrying their unique classy quotient in their wonderful attires. Suzzanne Roshan however looked simple and elegant as always.
Beginning of the new project was a prominent topic of discussion in most groups present at the party, over delicious food and drinks. The event was organized at Hotel Radisson Blu, where prominent faces socialized while enjoying the celebration.
PICS BY : Vinay Thorat