Nagpur News: Green Heaven Kids, Dindayal Nagar, Nagpur celebrated the 68th Independence Day with great fervor and enthusiasam. Subhash Deopujari, Deputy Editor of The Hitavada, was chief guest on the occasion and gave an inspiring on Independence Day.
Kavita Sharma, Director, Umesh Sharma, Chairman of Green Heaven Kids , Nitin Patwardhan, Shweta Sharma and others were present during the patriotic celebrations.
All the kids actively participated in the event which was marked by a speech by Abhinav Kumar and
Rajasi Deshpande, both students of KG II. A beautiful chorus patriotic song and dance was presented by the students.
The programme was anchored by Deepthi and was a grand success under the guidance of Principal Aboli Bidkar. Other staff also worked hard.