The accused Rajat Bhagwandas Pali (20), Bhagwandas Kanhaiyalal Pali (55), both residents of Lashkaribagh, Kalu alias Rahul Anup Khare (19) of Nava Nakasha, Pachpaoli, Kalya alias Akhilesh Siddhabal Motghare (25), Gaurav alias Pandya Ashok Pillewan (23), both of Lashkaribagh, Anna alias Aniket Mahendra Meshram (25) of Indora, Satish (26) and their 2-3 accomplices were running an enmity with Rohit Sanjay Wankhede ((28), Gaurav Hemraj Darvale ((24) and Lucky alias Abhijit Kamble (21), all residents of Lashkaribagh. On Thursday around 1 pm, the accused accosted Rohit, Gaurav and Lucky near Kamal Square and attacked them with axe, knife and beer bottles with the intention of killing them. The three friends received stab injuries on their stomach, chest, neck and legs. The profusely bleeding Rohit, Gaurav and Lucky were rushed to Mayo Hospital.
Based on a complaint, Pachpaoli PSI C B Chavan booked the accused under Sections 307, 143, 147, 148, 149, 109 of the IPC and succeeded in arresting six of them. Hunt to nab other accused is on.