Nagpur: Govindrao Wanjari College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur had organised a workshop on “Cyber Crime, Crime Against Women, Traffic Awareness” on Thursday Jan 18 at college campus GWCET, Nagpur. The programme was organised under the leadership of Adv Abhijit G Wanjari, Secretary, Amar Sewa Mandal, National Service Scheme (NSS) Cell of college.
Dr. Hemant Sonare, Director, Wanjari Group of Institutions, Nagpur welcomed the chief guest Ashok Bagul, Asstt. Commissioner, Traffic Police, Nagpur City in the presence of Prof M S Motghare, Principal, GWCET. The guest of honour was Atul Agarkar, Head Constable, Road Safety Deptt, Nagpur.
The main objective of this workshop was to guide the students regarding to control the road accidents, traffic awareness and causes from cyber crime. This was the interactive session to answer the queries of boys and girls students held separately and to alert them on the fatal accidents, guide girls or women’s who suffer from the chain snatching and number of hazardous things in their life.
This workshop was organised under the guidance of Ravindrasingh Pardesi, Dy. Commissioner, Traffic Police, Nagpur City. Prof S R Alone conducted the programme and Prof G R Agrawal a vote of thanks.