Nagpur: In a distressing incident highlighting the vulnerability of women, a young girl was purportedly subjected to sexual assault by a known individual, who took advantage of their prior acquaintance and her precarious financial circumstances. The harrowing ordeal unfolded within the confines of her own home, where the assailant allegedly intruded and perpetrated the heinous act under the guise of familiarity and intimidation.
Fed up with enduring repeated instances of harassment, the victim bravely stepped forward and lodged a formal complaint with the Kotwali police station. As investigations commenced into the matter, the accused, identified as Shubham Krishna Sonule, aged 31 and a resident of the Kotwali police station area, remained elusive, evading the reach of law enforcement.
Reports indicate that the victim, a 27-year-old engaged in modeling, had shared a decade-long acquaintance with the accused. However, the dynamics of their relationship took a sinister turn as Shubham, known to be embroiled in illicit activities such as cockfighting and gambling, allegedly leveraged his familiarity to prey upon the vulnerable victim. Furthermore, it has come to light that Shubham’s criminal history includes a previous rape case against him, underscoring the gravity of the situation.