Nagpur Today.
Trust our city ladies to be out and about, weekend or not! It was at Roof 9- the new roof top hangout overlooking the city view, where we could find a surfeit of leisurely dinning ladies in large groups dressed in their showy best for one of the most overwhelming rain dance party.
The kitty party turned out to be a rocking rain dance party and majority of women were dancing and enjoying there time off. Where you could also find them hang out, grab a bite and catch-up on each other’s lives, deceptive words that bring solace.
All the members of the party ensured timely presence at the do and this rain dance party gave them immense monsoon party goals. This successful party was organised by Ms. Sonal who invited her close friends circle to enjoy the monsoons.
By Farhan Kazi
Pics by Vikrant Shimpi