Nagpur: The Happy Home Developers, to mark its ninth anniversary, organized a ‘Lucky Draw’ programme on Sunday in which 30 customers were distributed lucky draw gifts such as TV set, fridge, dinner set, gas stove etc. The gifts were distributed at the hands of chief guests MLA Sudhakar Kohale, Deputy Mayor Munna Pokulwar, Mhalginagar Corporator Swati Akhatkar, Parshu Thakur, Chandubhau Akhatkar, Hemant Ingole, Sanjay Randhe, Dr Kamaljit Kaur, Amol Walke, Dr Sarita Chaurasia and other prominent personalities. The winner of TV gift was Netra Ansetwar while Yogesh Gajbhiye bagged fridge.
Around 200 customers participated in the ‘Lucky Draw’ programme. All the customers were gifted with Tulsi saplings. The anchoring was done by Ansh Randhe.
On the occasion, a new layout was inaugurated. The plot booking in the layout, situated 10 km away from Nagpur, started with the booking amount of Rs 111.
The Happy Home Developers was established on September 12, 2006 and completed nine years on September 12, 2015. In these nine years, around 5000 customers were sold plots and flats.