Published On : Sat, Feb 16th, 2013
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

Have you ever wondered how a disease starts?

Nagpur News: Have you ever wondered how a disease starts? Why does the disease keep repeating itself in many cases like Acne, Eczema, etc?

I have heard people saying disease is a mistake or something that went wrong in the body. According to Merck’s Manual, the definitive medical dictionary, over 95% diseases have an ‘unknown cause’. According to META-Health (formerly known as META-Medicine) every illness goes through two phases, the first phase which is the conflict-active, sympathetic phase known as the ‘STRESS PHASE’ and the second phase is the conflict-passive, parasympathetic phase, known as the ‘REST PHASE’. A complete progression from the beginning of a disease through to the healing is described as a ‘disease process’.

Any typical symptoms of an illness, such as muscle or headache, migraine, running nose, diarrhea, ulcer, fits, asthma attacks, cancer, leukemia etc. are not the illnesses but rather a partial aspect of a comprehensive disease cycle.

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META-Medicine recognizes there are two phases of disease and this is broken up into 9 stages:


  1. Healthy & Normal routine:  Our normal routine of day and night activity. We are healthy and fine, busy in our day-to-day life.


  1. Biological Conflict Shock: Every disease has its origin from a Biological Conflict Shock experience. This is a UDIN moment, U = Unexpected, D = Dramatic, I = Isolating, N = No strategy. Something happened which was very Unexpected/Unique, Dramatic, Isolating where the individual had no strategy to deal with it. Everything an individual can see, hear, feel, smell, and taste is recorded during the biological conflict shock. For example, for a mother his child playing near the seashore suddenly is missing from the location. It is a Unique, Dramatic, Isolating event with no strategy. The mother has no plan for dealing with that situation.  Now, it’s not such that every stressful event will cause a disease, the only stress which has the UDIN moment criteria will cause a disease based on the background of the stress.



  1. Conflict Phase: The biological conflict shock triggers the conflict phase. An individual experiences which we commonly call ‘Stress’. In the conflict phase, we eat little which is mostly junk and acidic food. Our blood pressure is high, we skip meals and we obsessively keep thinking. Our daily normal routine is interrupted and our organism focuses entirely on dealing with the UDIN moment. If the individual is unable to resolve the conflict then they will stay in the conflict phase. There are people who have been in this conflict stage for years.


  1. Conflict Resolution: The conflict resolution is the point when the individual resolves the conflict either consciously or unconsciously. In conflict reversal, the resolution of the conflict happens in the same sense that triggered it but it is opposite to the trigger. For example, a son being verbally abused by his father and then on the way to college the son is being praised by a stranger.  Typical symptoms that appear in this conflict phase are constipation, excessive energy, loss of strength in certain muscles.


  1. Part A Regeneration Phase: This phase starts just after the conflict resolution and then the symptoms start to get worse. The symptoms appear depending on the background of the stress the individual was facing. Extra water is being used to support the process where swelling appears because the organ needs to be repaired. Now this is the reason why you feel the pain, the swelling and some people put on weight.


  1. Healing Crisis: This is a short conflict phase and is one of the most important points in the disease process. Typical symptoms of healing crisis are mild Headaches to Migraine, Muscle cramps, Diarrhea, Asthma attack, Sneeze fits, Cough fits, Itching, Inflammation, Heart attack, Heart burn, Fainting, Epileptic fits, excessive urination etc.


  1. Part B Regeneration Phase: After completion of healing crisis the individual goes in to an intense regeneration phase. Now during this phase the individual is still unwell but the actual pain has disappeared. The infections have subsided and the individual is ravenously hungry and he eats more (gains weight). In this phase, the healing is done and the affected organ is rebuilding.


  1. End of disease process: The process of healing has completed and the individual is out of the disease process. There might be some remnants of the disease and gradually the individual returns to normality.


  1. Health & Normality: The individual returns to the normal day-to-day activity and all the remnants of the disease and the symptoms have disappeared. The individual feels good from inside-out and the bodily functions are resumed.


These two phases of any disease is really important and only through the understanding of the disease process one can understand the symptoms and be able to resolve the aches, pains and illnesses. Every disease is a biological programme triggered by a biological conflict shock (Significant Emotional Shock), it does not happen out of the blue or randomly. Every disease does go through these two phases and has a meaningful process with the goal to survive.



-Aliakbar Shabbir — Integrative Health Coach
